LOL cat tourist

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1. Evilutionists say there is 'junk DNA' 2. 'Junk DNA' was used to ID Osamas body 3. 'Junk DNA' was therefore useful 4. Therefore, there is no such thing as 'junk DNA' 5. Therefore Evilution is false 6. Therefore humans were specially created by the Christian god 6000 years ago LOL, wat? File this…
Goin to Antarctica to scope out future Karnak locations. Might stay to oversee construction. *shrug* Actually, if I can figure out a way to get high-speed internet, I might just hang out down there for a while. Have some peace and quiet... 'alone time'... Nothing to do with the blogging contest…
Today, October 30th at 11:00 to 11:30 AM Central, on MPR with Gary Eichten. Details here. Thanks Jake for the tip on the LOL Michele Bachmann picture!
Which is better, Cats or Dogs? From a religious perspective, that is. The Best of Me Symphony, a blog carnival. And get your Godless LOL's here.