Something funny and not so funny

It is not so funny that the Georgian Army is accused of attempting ethnic genocide in southern Ossetia, that the Russians have been bombing cities in Georgia, that the Georgians or somebody have shot down two Russian fighter planes, and that things seem to be escalating. Dozens, maybe hundreds, by some reports thousands dead. This was especially unfunny a couple of hours ago when my daughter came to be in tears having heard the latest news ... her mother is currently in Georgia trapped in a region that is not seeing any fighting, but it is a small country. (Julia is very rarely this upset about anything ... she herself was caught in Tblisi the last time the government was semi-violently overthrown, literally stuck in the mob... you get used to these things. Today, though, someone who did not know that her mom was in Georgia was going on and on about how all hell had broken out there, the Russians bombing everything, and so on...)

But of course there is always a lighter side, and it came today with a report that Google News totally screwed up its reporting of this story by showing a map with the Russians invading Georgia. the other Georgia. Here:


I hate when that happens.


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That image made me laugh.

On topic though, this conflict is deteriorating very fast. I really hope this gets stopped soon, so much blood for nothing...

By Riley Metcalfe (not verified) on 10 Aug 2008 #permalink

At first I assumed the image was someone trying to grab the attention of Americans.

It sort of reminded me of when Argentina invaded The Falklands and half of Britain panicked thinking the islands were somewhere off Scotland.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 10 Aug 2008 #permalink

There was similar glitch in Microsoft's Encarta electronic encyclopedia. If you looked for Georgia the country, you got Georgia the state.

By MiddleO'Nowhere (not verified) on 10 Aug 2008 #permalink

I hope your daughter's mother remains safe, well and gets out of there unharmed.


As a Florida native and someone who has had the misfortune to have to travel through Georgia many times I can tell you I have not problems with Russia invading the state just to the north of Florida.

I ask only one thing from Russia. If you invade Georgia you have to agree to take it with you when you leave.