Palin For President!

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Hat Tip: The Faithful Penguin
I remember the first time I visited a penguin colony. It was not hard to find. Penguin colonies smell really really bad. Here's why: Further details at Huffington Post. Hat Tip Richard Wilson.
As I've said elsewhere, I think that the idea that creationists are master communicators is a myth; they are successful because they are tapping into a religious majority that is feeling antagonized and marginalized by secular culture. Even though most of the population of this country would…
I was sent this scan of a delightful article from Watchtower Magazine — you know, that bizarre piece of pulp from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Look at their list of wicked temptations that might lead a faithful person into a life of sin. Take special note of #2. "A well-intentioned teacher urges you…