Engage In Civics, Get a Free Kitten!!!

Not enough people are visiting A Vote for Science yet. So we've got a special offer. Go to A Vote for Science and get your free LOL Kitten!!!!!

In the mean time, I'm off to Ashwin Madia HQ to wrangle up some votes.

You do realize, yes? ... that McCain has pulled ahead of Obama in the national polling? Because of Sarah Palin apparently? You knew, this, right? Let me ask you two questions?

1) Why am I putting a question mark after ever sentence? and

2) What are you doing to try to limit the chances that the yahoos take over the US in November?

Voting, in and of itself, is not enough any more. You've got to go out there and do something!

K, later, bye.

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The last part ... what you need to do ... mainly applies to Minnesota residents. We'll get to that. Right now the polls are all over the place. There are five new and recent polls to consider (data all sourced through RCP). Public Policy Polling, covering October 28th to October 30th, with a…
Good Morning America! Well, after I went to bed last night, the Minnesota Senate Race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman tightened up. The Associated Press is reporting, I hear, that Coleman has won. They are wrong. The difference between the two candidates is now (at 6:30 AM) just over 1,000…
Note to GOP - ACORN Was Defrauded and You Know It: 1. The GOP during the 70's, 80's and 90's employed a number of methods to register voters to insure the people they were registering were indeed Republican. One method was to go through a neighborhood and register everyone who wasn't registered.…
In the Gallup Tracking Poll for the US election, Obama leads McCain for the ninth straight day, and for the seventeenth out of the last nineteenth pollings. We will have to see if the absurd new tactics being attempted by Palin and her running mate McCain will have an effect on this one way or…

Doorknock. Phone call. Volunteer. Send Money!

The bad guys better not win. If I hear one member of the Coalition of the Sane who says on November 5th "I probably should have done more," I will respond with "Well, we warned you!"

I don't know what's worse:

McCan't taking the lead in the polls,
or Minnesota possibly flipping to red.


Seeing that blue outline for MN and the state listing as 47-46 Obama is a little scary.

By Brian Knoblock (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Greg, fewer question marks. More exclamation points.

It was awfully nice that as I walked out this evening to cut grass, realizing that donating wasn't going to be enough this year, a very sweet lady came by with her clipboard and, when I answered all her questions correctly, asked whether I'd like to volunteer too. Luckily, they've got some behind-the-scenes stuff that needs doing. As much as I hate phones, I was almost ready to volunteer to make calls. Who knows? I may yet.

In Iowa, Obama has a comfortable lead. Things ain't all bad.

In the 3rd our grassroots efforts are paying off, and it is obvious that Madia is THE HOT CANDIDATE! I won't use question marks, as I am soooo confident that we will win in November. He was his usual outstanding self in the AARP debate last night and was "spot on" with every answer. His opponent, Eric Paulsen, was confusing at best and seemed to try to give the moderator whatever answer he thought she wanted to hear. He was caught in a lie about his vote against a senior drug bill in 2001, and never did admit he had voted against it (this bill was defeated by ONE vote). We can not afford Paulsen's type of leadership? Vote for Madia the Patriot!