Mickey Mouse Must Diiieieeee!!!!

Sheikh Muhammad Munajid claimed the mouse is "one of Satan's soldiers" and makes everything it touches impure.

But he warned that depictions of the creature in cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, and Disney's Mickey Mouse, had taught children that it was in fact loveable.

The cleric, a former diplomat at the Saudi embassy in Washington DC, said that under Sharia, both household mice and their cartoon counterparts must be killed. source

Hey, Regular Muslim People: Go tell your crazy counterparts to take it down a notch, OK? I mean, I agree that Mickey Mouse and the other mice must die and stuff, but the reasoning here is wrong.

hat tip Pharyngula


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Actually, that's the most reasonable things I've ever heard out of a Crazy Muslim (tm).
Most mice must not die! They are generally cute, furry and clever. The only scienceblogger you can say that about is PZ.
Mickey Mouse, OTOH, is a symbol of Capitalist-Whore Conspicuous-Consumer madness and decay!
Quick, go visit Disney world or the commies like me will take over!

Of course, Becca, you know it's a mark of privilege to be able to look at a mouse and see cute rather than competition for scarce resources, right? ;) Not that I didn't once adopt a field mouse I found at work.

@Stephanie Z- oh I sometimes look at mice and see them as cute, furry, and clever FOOD for even more cute, interesting, and special lizards. But they only work for food if they are alive to start. If they all died, we'd be in trouble.

@ Todd Unctious- wait, female Muslims are Ninjas? And Mickey Mouse is going undercover as one of them?

I wonder how this mullah-fella proposes to kill mouse cartoons? Did he pick up all the surplus barrels of Dip(tm) off the set of Who Framed Roger Rabbit after filming was all wrapped up?

Speaking of Dip, this guy soitenly qualifies, don't he?

So now there's a fatwa against Mickey and Minnie? I hope Salman Rushdie gets along with his new roommates. On the other hand, it may be a mark of progress that the death threats are directed against fictional characters now.