Happy Birthday Chris Rowan

... of the blog Highly Allochon ... Highly Allochthon ... no, wait, .. Got it Highly Allochthonous.

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.... of the blog Highly Allochon ... Highly Allochthon ... no, wait, .. Got it Highly Allochthonous.
Chris Rowan, a geologist, maintains a blog with a tongue-twister of a name. Highly Allochthonous is the spot where he blogs about geology, a subject he has found to boast "more field trips and more beer" than his first love, physics. Chris is based in the UK and currently beginning a postdoc at the…
Yesterday was the winter solstice, meaning the sun concluded its six-month southward course and seemed to "stand still" before beginning its journey north. Of course, this being a heliocentric neighborhood, the tilt, orbit, and rotation of Earth are what really move the sun through the sky. But…
Of highly autochon ... allotou ... no, allochtonoo...allochthunu... no, that's not right either... .... highly allochthonous!!!!. Give him a visit and say hey!