Yet Another Great Parody of Palin

These parodies are getting better and better . This one is hysterical:

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As parody it goes too far. Good parody maintains just enough contact with reality to provoke a "that is so true" sense of recognition in the audience. While I acknowledge the spot on physical resemblance the language is too over the top ignorant, helpless and clueless to even be a parody of a major party VP candidate. I mean c'mon! :)

She doesn't look anything LIKE Palin!

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

She has it all--the look, the voice, and the same stunning degree of incoherence. The one playing Couric isn't anything like the actual Katie Couric though--this one doesn't appear to be a lightweight.

Hahaha! You are right, Greg. I had no idea Sarah Palin was such a good impersonator. She TOTALLY nailed Miss South Carolina.