What I had for Rosh Hashanah Dinner

Happy New Year!

I was a good little atheist today, and made a reasonably convincing argument that Bill Maher has NOT gone too far in trashing religion. After all, no one expected the Spanish Inquisition. Or at least, the elderly Jewish and Catholic people were nodding as I was ranting about it, so I think they were agreeing with me.

Dinner included conversation among an investment banker, an S&L officer, a couple of corporate lawyers, and so on, and the general consensus is that something must happen in the way of a bailout. The US Senate, it turns out, has a plan they will try voting on tomorrow (Wednesday).

But never mind that. I picked up a tip some of you may find useful. If you have a savings account with more than 100,000 bucks in it, you can increase your FDIC coverage by adding a beneficiary. Each name on the account gets 100 large in coverage.

And if you find that useful, that means you have some extra cash and can help us out with getting rid of Michell Bachmann. Click here and give her opponent twenty bucks or so. Please!

(Tinklenberg has a great photograph of Michelle and George Bush doing something with their tongues, it seems, on his site.)

Finally, tomorrow is the Evolution Blog Carnival. I'll be putting the carnival up late morning, so you still have time to send an entry!

Oh, wait, one more thing. Forget about that poll I mention up stream. PZ just told me that this one has been hacked for some time and is busted. More people than exist have voted on it.

So instead of doing the poll, just do Michell Bachmann, OK?

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I had a hit on my blog today from someone Googling, "What's the difference between Palin and Bachmann?" I may need to have a go at answering that tomorrow. How much time can it take?

It saddens me to see that people who are so snarkily outspoken about the illogic of religion can be so completely suckered by the apocolyptic ravings of people who have the avowed goal of shifting all financial control to the executive branch, permanently. You guys are rushing to the slaughterhouse. News Flash: you're talking about handing over total control of the nation's finances to the same people you claim are mismanaging our military and political systems! You do realize these people claim to receive direct guidance from an invisible man in the sky, don't you?

Charlie, you do realize the bill they're talking about putting to a vote in the Senate is not the exact bill the administration requested, don't you? Nobody (except Bush) wants to just hand everything over to Treasury.

just do Michell Bachmann

.... *epic cringe*

Charly: How is "I had dinner with some bankers they said something along the lines of a bailout should be done" equal "completely suckered by the apocolyptic ravings of people who have the avowed goal of shifting all financial control to the executive branch, permanently."

Congresswoman Bachmann was awarded the "worst person in the world" award last night on the Keith Olbermann show for her racist diatribe blaming blacks for the mortgage meltdown crisis. Truly a fascist nutcase of the first order.

I picked up a tip some of you may find useful. If you have a savings account with more than 100,000 bucks in it, you can increase your FDIC coverage by adding a beneficiary. Each name on the account gets 100 large in coverage.

Ay-yup. That's one of the first things they taught us in teller training (after how to count money and not be rude to the customers) at the first bank I worked at (20 years ago? YOICKS!!!1!). The $100k is per account title, not per account. We had a brochure showing how a family of five could end up with a couple million bucks in insured accounts at one bank just by monkeying around with joint, custodial, trust/beneficiary, etc. combinations.

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

The foods offered focus on the sweet, in hopes that those consuming the food will have a sweet New Year. Fruits, sweet vegetables and honey abound in Jewish dishes for Rosh Hashanah.