Sarah Palin 'on' the Supreme Court

This video shows Sarah Palin "on the supreme court." Well, actually is goes beyond that. It shows her MORE on the supreme court. Well, really, it's just Palin More On the Supreme court. Ok, actually it's Sarah Palin Moron, Supreme Court. That's it...

And now I give you Sarah Palin. Moron. On the Supreme Court:

I think she might be just a little bit dumber than Michell Bachmann. Hard to say.

h/t: Brayton


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oh for f*** sake. why can't she just answer the question.

reminds me of the 98 election jesse the body won. one exchange which i thought very refreshing was the candidates were asked a question that was to try to see how in touch with the peons they were. the question was what is the price of turkey?

coleman blathered on about his beautiful wife and how she was a great mother she did the shopping blah blah blah nice breasts blah blah blah.

humphrey droned on about how is mother/grandmother did all the shopping and she was a great person and was dying of cancer and that was tragic blah blah blah blah blah blah.

jesse the bod said something like: i don't know? two dollars?

he was the only one that gave a direct answer. didn't pontificate. didn't obfuscate. just came out and said it.

i liked that he could come out and just give an answer, even admit to a little ignorance of the answer.

with palin in that video it is obvious she has no clue as to any possible answer to the question. so she rambles.


funny, Palin was *very* against the recent SC decision to reduce damages from the Exxon Valdez. and i mean in the past 1/2 year. as an Alaskan, i have to wonder whether she forgot, or if her previous stance is now at odds with the Campaign and so was coached against it

Deer. Headlights. In.

I think this is a good night for a six pack and a pizza.


Jesus H Christ. She can't even name one SCOTUS decision other than Roe.

The more she opens her mouth, the more ignorant she reveals herself to be. She is utterly clueless. About the only thing she seems capable of doing is stringing buzzwords together in a random word salad.

I am so having beer and pizza with my popcorn tonight. This is going to be better than Jason and Freddy vs Alien and Predator in a steel cage with guest referees Larry, Moe, and Curly.

For some one who claims to be a straight talker, she certainly can waffle on. I'm no fan of Palin, but watching that I was thinking, "Just shut up, for your own sake." Really, what's the problem with saying, "Dunno", and leaving it at that?

When I think of her picking supreme court justices, cold terror. Really, she is scaring the crap out of me.

Wonder how many Barack could name? Or Joe Biden?