New Political Carnival

The Replace Michele Bachmann Carnival #2 is up at Tangled Up in Blue Guy.


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This week's edition of the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival is the fourth in the series, and is named the "We Told You So" edition. This is because there are several of us living here in Minnesota who have been blogging about Michele Bachmann for some time. There is the Dump Bachmann web…
The Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival ... the final installment evah! ... is up at Tangled Up in Blue Guy. As Mike says: "Please, don't make us do this again in two years!!!" It is a great web carnival. Go here and enjoy!
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The Up and Coming Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival .... which will be the LAST ONE ... is ... well, it's up and coming! Submit your entries HERE at the blog carnival site, and look for the carnival at Tangled Up in Blue Guy. In the mean time, the following video reminds me of your average…