Palin/McCain have gone too far

They are now inciting threats of terroristic acts. I want them locked up in Gitmo now. I am not fucking joking. We are starting to hear people yelling "Terrorist, Kill Him" or just "Kill Him" at rallies. Few good examples have been trapped on tape yet, but there are at least two different ones, one at a Palin rally, one at a McCain rally. Watch:

And this.

I ask you this: Imagine two or three black men in their 30s yelling "Kill McCain, Kill McCain" at a political rally of any kind where secret service are in attendance. They would be questioned. Were these people questioned? I do not know, but I can guess. Hey, if this election is not about race, then I'm not a monkey's nephew. And I am a monkey's nephew. Or cousin anyway.

This (the threats, not my parentage) is being covered as well by the press, to some extent, so there will probably be more on this over the next day or so. I thank Ana for bringing this to my attention.


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Posting somewhat anonymously.

How do I find a good, reliable source about this so I can basically make fun of a conservative on my hall who is denying this?

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Eliminationist rhetoric at a Republican campaign event? Who would have guessed. I hate to say it, but this 'revelation' is equivalent to asking if the sun rises in the east or if the pope shits in the woods. What really disturbs me is that I'm not surprised in the least.

What? My blog is not a reliable source? Then what is?????

My dear friend Ana has informs me that this was covered on Countdown.

I'm not saying you're unreliable, I'm saying a conservative probably wouldn't believe me. If I used a mainstream news source, they might. Conservatives are notoriously averse to listening to fact.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Uh... do you need more proof than an actual video of the person yelling "Kill him!"?

It's hard to figure out where they're saying 'kill him' unless you listen really closely.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

Good luck investigating this. You would have to lock up half of America to get rid of the terrorists.

By John Smith (not verified) on 08 Oct 2008 #permalink

Palin felt the need to say this, “Bless your heart sir, my son is in Iraq fighting for your right to protest.”, the quoted words don't express her condescending tone. But, she doesn't feel the need to remark on death threats issued from her supporters, while she is speaking to them.

Palin seems to be stuck in a child's brain.