Spam Spam Spam Spam

The SpamMimic web application is available for free use and ...will allow you to encode to your choice of generic SPAM, weakly-encrypted SPAM, fake PGP SPAM and fake Russian SPAM. ... If someone's looking for dirt on you, they'll always go for the encrypted PGP ( or GPG) emails you have (assuming they contain valuable information), but they'll never check the tons of garbage SPAM you have sitting in your email box. They'll breeze right past that, assuming it's the typical garbage that SPAM typically is, and your encoded messages will remain safe and undetected.

Details and link to this new tool here. Don't tell anyone about this or it won't work any more.


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Then why are you telling us about this?

Doh! ... I keep doing that.

Spam Encoded Version Of "Hey Guys. Let's get together Friday at 8:00 to burn down the old school house!"

= 2 screens full of Spammy goodness!

ROFL =snort= MAO!!!1! =gasp= I can't =coff= stand it! =choke= Gimme some =wheeze= oxygen!

=turns blue, passes out=

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink