Time for McCain's Ten-Run Homer ...

.... NOT!

Once again, Barack Obama totally wins the debate.

This is Barack Obama after the debate:

This is John McCain after the debate:

Don't cry, John McCain, Georgie will make you feel better:

More like this

This is Obama after the debate: And this is McCain: But don't worry, Jonny, you can still get your hug.... When someone keeps calling me "his friend" again and again and again, I tend to reach for my wallet. In both of the last two debates, polls of independent and/or undecided voters…
A lot of people think the debate was pretty even. Obama supporters liked Obama, McCain supporters liked McCain, I assume (that is utterly obvious). But what matters is the effect on uncommitted voters. Aside from the effects of the three major gaffs that McCain made (the cost to him, to his…
I don't think Democrats should let the Palin fiasco overshadow a great convention: there were some great speeches, one of them by John Kerry. While Kerry did an awful job of responding to the swiftboating, that episode really does mask some of his strengths: he's a terrific debater, and a very…
Just the salient points. McCain does not want to spread the wealth around. Obama wants to cut the 15 billion dollar subsidy to insurance companies. Obama wants to invest in higher education. McCain is taking copious notes as Obama speaks. Maybe he'll pick something up. McCain is having a hard…

You're not still in high school, are you Greg? Your post debate posts are lame.

Joel: You're just saying that because your guy is getting trounced.

Besides, I'm made of rubber, you're made of glue. Everything you say bounces off of me and sticks on to you!

If you think Greg's post is lame, what did you think of McCain's rambling craziness?