Giant Sperm Found On Mars

This sucker is about 70 kilometers long:

Get the details here, from NASA


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Such nice big healthy sperm. What can we deduce from this? It's very likely that the species has wide sexual dimorphism. So, we should be watching for some evidence of very small females.

Wow! That's a mighty great depression there. Must have been a dramatic collapse. Perhaps due to the failure of rulles.

Mars is a giant ovum?

No, it's a giant golf club, like a giant 3 wood or something (I know squat about golf). That's clearly hitting a ball off a tee there.

Further evidence for "Big Man", the Gargantuan Paul-Bunyan-oid legend in Kim Stanley Robinson's Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 17 Oct 2008 #permalink

This reminds me of an old science fiction story....oh, yeah.