What kind of mother would raise a kid to do this?


Oh. It's you....

Well let's see. If you put lipstick on a pig, she still raises her kid to be like Michele Bachmann. Or something like that.

I got this here, thanks to SZ for telling me about it.


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Check snopes. Its a photoshopped picture. The kid holds up two fingers in aV sign in the original

That's right. It's a hoax. There's an original two-finger version. Of course, the expression on the little girl's face suggests that her message to the little boy is "screw you twice."

Got to be careful with pictures like that anymore, many are photoshopped. Even the famous picture of McCain apparently freaking out over Obama's ass looks completely different from a different angle. They appear closer than they really are because of the telephoto effect.

Even if the little girl did flip someone the bird, it isn't all that easy to control kids all the time. They are individuals and sometimes they get grumpy.

I want to know what Sarah Palin's parents did to raise a lying bigot, though. In a child it's behavior to be corrected; in an adult it's indicative of a serious character flaw.

Or... the one on the government's website is the one that was photoshopped to add the second finger. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my other tinfoil hat.

Hey, maybe the two-finger version is evidence that Palin's kid, at least, has some foreign policy experience. [joke not intended for American audiences]

Oh, so wait a second here, my friends. My friends, this is a photograph of Sarah Palin's child giving some kid the finger. Gosh darn it, one can always say that a photograph is photoshopped. But what does that really mean, after all? In a way, all photographs are photoshopped, you betcha. If this is not a photograph of Sarah Palin's kid giving someone the finger, then why has Sarah Palin not repudiated the photograph, my friends?

By the way, have you ever actually seen a little kid this age learning to give the finger? Flipping up the middle finger is not a natural act at all. It takes quite a bit of practice, and for the first month or two it is very common for the child to have two fingers up at once exactly as you see in this photo.

Oh, and it is TOTALLY OBVIOUS as Beowulff says that the second finger is added in the other, clearly photoshopped photo.

Hey, maybe the two-finger version is evidence that Palin's kid, at least, has some foreign policy experience. [joke not intended for American audiences]

I got it - but then again, I'm from Australia. :)

More disturbing to me is the horrible outfit Sarah Palin is wearing in that photo. Maybe Piper Palin was trying to flip the bird to Sarah Palin's stylist.

I've looked at the original photograph. The photograph is in incredibly excellent, sharp focus. Every bit of it. You can see flies on shit. Everywhere except one area. The area of the child's fingers. That part is a bit out of foucs. Like it has been doctored.

Greg, she's old enough. And she's probably seen bird flipping before. Kids see things we'd rather they not see.

And don't think mom hasn't found out and given Piper a good talking to.

The photo is not the end of the story. As Jonathan Osterman told Adrian Veidt, "Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends."

I'm just saying the American People deserve why a kid ... who may be a heartbeat away from child of the president ... has a "fuck you" look while flashing a victory sign. It doesn't add up. What is REALLY going on here.

What is REALLY going on here.

For all anyone knows that other little boy deserved to get told to fuck off. Good for Piper, don't take shit from assholes.

if someone was to photoshop out the remaining extended finger, that'd pretty much be a spot-on Terrorist Fist Jab.

awww ... how cute.

Looking at the snopes article - I'm quite impressed that Piper Palin knows a Commonwealth obscene gesture. I'm betting she's a secret Red Dwarf fan.