New Hampshire Palinites Beat Obama Supporters

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All of this yet to come... ... vampire finches.... .... vampire bats... ... more on vampire bats... ... and a remarkable interpretation of a group of pterosaurs. Sigh, if only there were more hours in the day. Also coming soon: Britain's lost tree frogs, Confessions of a part-time quadrupedal…
This is the first time I've seen this argument made, in a letter to the editor in LJWorld of Lawrence, Kansas: Senior citizens are concerned about rising property taxes due to education and a needless golf course. With more private schools [and] more home schooling ... , why is additional funding…
Still in Italy. Here is a post from last year that was a follow-up to the entry that was reposted yesterday. Lets think about technology for a moment. Here I am typing on this laptop. Ideas flow (misspelled and grammatically incorrect) from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard ... over a wireless…
Call it part II of an ongoing miniseries. Or, if you prefer, one of many entries on happiness. Lets think about technology for a moment. Here I am typing on this laptop. Ideas flow (misspelled and grammatically incorrect) from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard ... over a wireless network ...…