Breaking News: Republican Party Targets Madia!

The Republican Party has assumed that Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann would retain her seat in the upcoming election, but because of recent events it is now quite possible that she will not. As a result, the Republican Party has changed its tactics in Minnesota. Yesterday we heard that the RNCC is pulling out of the Bachmann race altogether. Today, literally moments ago, I have received word that the Republicans are putting major resources behind Ashwin Madia's opponent, Erik Paulsen.

All the available data suggests that the Madia-Paulsen race is neck and neck, with neither candidate ahead in the polls. Madia has been running a well organized and aggressive campaign, but Paulsen has been running a dirty campaign and that sort of tactic plays well among the relatively conservative voters in this district.

Word is that the total revenue being sunk into radio and TV ads for Paulsen over the next two weeks will be just above one million dollars ... so far.

Time to move. Madia's campaign headquarters web site is here.

My friend Gina, who is Madia's volunteer coordinator, reads my blog and every time I say "OK, folks, go volunteer for Madia, your are needed NOW" she calls me and says "OK, Greg, when will we see you at Headquarters, we need you to Clean the Kitchen (or whatever) NOW!"

So, if I may take a moment... Gina, next Monday and Thursday evening, I'm free. Just leave a message on my phone to tell me what time to come in.

OK, everybody, let's get going. SEND MONEY! VOLUNTEER! And, if you are voting for a Democrat, don't forget to vote or you will be like me!!!!

Focus on Madia and Franken.

Hey, all you people in the Fifth! You are sitting on your laurels! We need you in the Third. If you want public transit in the Twin Cities, you've got to shift the balance of the inner-ring congresspeople.


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DFL Fan, I'd love to see Kline go, but I haven't seen any indication that he's vulnerable, aside from conjecture and wishful thinking. Right now, Madia gets my cash, Franken gets my time (and maybe more cash), and Ellison gets my vote. Anything left over goes to GOTV.