Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot

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Actually, he's far worse than a big fat idiot, he's a dangerous demagogue with a following of big, fat, small, thin, young, old, sheeplike simpletons who hang on his every Third Reichian word...

Reggie: Why are you holding back?

big fat idiot was good but the audio version of Franken's "Why Not Me" was one of the funniest things I ever listened to

I ROFLdMAO for days after reading RLIABFI. (For that matter, so did my son, who was 11 at the time.) Besides being hilarious, Al Franken is one of the more astute political commentators around. If I lived in MN, I'd certainly vote for him. I just hope enough people can see the serious, thoughtful man behind the funny-man image to elect him.

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink

I find it amusing that Matthews begs Rush to "let us think." Weren't Rush's followers at some time called "dittoheads" because they didn't want to think, but just repeat what their Great Man said?

Rugosa: ROFL... I had the same exact reaction.

Rush, stop talking so we can think. And maybe your ditto heads will take advantage of the momentary silence and also think. Amazing things could happen then.