Palin: Bad for wildlife

She is a dog killer.


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Wasn't there another reason too? Something about increasing caribou pop as to enable hunting them? Whatever it is, that is not right. Though, the wolves themselves aren't little angels either, they viciously kill their preys for food. Still, we are humans, and we should know better.

IBY: "Though, the wolves themselves aren't little angels either, they viciously kill their preys for food. "

...I don't know why that makes them "not angels" or why that is even relevent. They kill their prey for food because they have to. Period. That doesn't make them evil. It makes them wild animals.

Relevent = relevant. *goes to find coffee*

The bunnines of bunnies .... it's just marketing.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

well, as VP I'm sure she'll institute a 'bring me a left leg of a terrorist' bounty policy, too. That'll fix everything! (note the sarcasm in my e-voice)