Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival: The Final Installment

The Up and Coming Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival .... which will be the LAST ONE ... is ... well, it's up and coming! Submit your entries HERE at the blog carnival site, and look for the carnival at Tangled Up in Blue Guy.

In the mean time, the following video reminds me of your average Bigfoot Sighting Video, but with a lunatic fundie congresswoman instead of the Bigfoot. Enjoy. In so far as one can enjoy the idea that the people of a given congressional district are capable of voting an unabashed wacko like Bachmann into office.

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The Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival ... the final installment evah! ... is up at Tangled Up in Blue Guy. As Mike says: "Please, don't make us do this again in two years!!!" It is a great web carnival. Go here and enjoy!
As you know, our own Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann is officially running for president. I wonder what it would be like to have the President of the United States of America, like when she goes home to visit her family for Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July or whatever, and all these limos…

Was bachmann tapping her foot at all?

[/tasteless but topical]

Those Republicans and their bathrooms.