The hottest race in the US just got MUCH hotter

Kapow! ZLOTT!!!! Pow!

That is what is going on in the Franken vs. Coleman race with some interesting recent developments that congealed in a Public Radio debate, a new ad by Norm Coleman, and ... wait for it ... a new ad from Al Franken that should be out tomorrow some time.

Some real shit is truly hitting a very energetic fan, and people are sitting up and taking notice. What is currently a very close election is likely, I predict, to not be close at all by the time Tuesday comes along.

But I'm not saying which way it is going to break, because I have no idea.

Details here.

Here is the Coleman ad:

So, Norm, your wife is off limits. Are your bisexual prostitutes, various extra girlfriends, the women you force to have sex with you and such also off limits? (Hey, I'm just sayin')

I'll post the Al Franken ad as soon as I get it.


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Would you vote for Norm Coleman if you knew that when he plays tennis with his daughter he berates her, in public, for making mistakes? I have it on good authority from an ex-girlfriend who belongs to the same tennis club as Norm.

We need this guy out of here.

I'll bet Coleman can't freehand draw a map of the continental United States within three minutes. This seemingly trivial ability actually portends other similar exceptional abilities not yet revealed.

I can't even begin to describe how creepy that ad from Norm Coleman is. His fake outrage, her sad eyes. God, I hope he loses.

"So, Norm, your wife is off limits. Are your bisexual prostitutes, various extra girlfriends, the women you force to have sex with you and such also off limits? (Hey, I'm just sayin')"

Greg, this is going further downhill than McCain/Palin, and it's not good enough just to toss it off with a bracketed excuse.

Give us chapter and verse. I'd love to see it!!!!

By Richard Parker (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

Richard: Read my blog! Check out the Norm Coleman Archive This ranges, of course, from innuendo to well known fact, as usual. There are three or so items coming out today.

Franken s problem is that he has not gotten full Democrats support. In the 3-way race where Barkley can be counted on to get 12-14%, the bar is lower for what will be the winning percentage.
Compounding Franken s problem is Bachmann-Kline-Ramstad. There are only three House seats that are actively being contested. All with Republicans in jeopardy. The MN-GOP faithful will be out in force. The other five districts have Democrats with solid leads; thus there is not the incentive if the lines are long and Obama has already won the Electoral College vote. How Coleman performs on the Iron Range may have as much of an impact as anything.