Madelyn Dunham, Barack Obama's Grandmother, has died.

Barack Obama's ailing grandmother died Monday in Hawaii, a day before Obama was to stand election for the presidency, his campaign announced.

Madelyn Payne Dunham was 86.

The Democratic presidential candidate announced the news in a joint statement with his sister Maya Soetoro-Ng. The statement said Dunham died peacefully after a battle with cancer.


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Hrmph. Obviously this is Obama's attempt to get a sympathy vote at the last minute. He might have poisoned her. Or do we know if she even ever existed? Maybe she was just an actor who pretended to be Obama's grandmother and is now back doing whatever else she does.

Ok, really tasteless jokes aside this is pretty sad. One would have hoped that she would have lived long enough to see her grandson become President. Regardless of political affiliation our condolences should go out to the Obama family.

no, the tasteless joke was the RNC suing Obama the day before the election, for the expense of flying the plane to Hawaii to visit his grandmother, because he did no campaigning while he was there.

I only wish it was a joke.

What is funny is that if you go on FreeRepublic they are saying that this whole thing is a democratic conspiracy to garner sympathy for the Illinois senator.

I was just going to mention that, Jeff. Absolutely disgusting people over at that site.

Free Republic is an absolute cesspool of political filth. You find there the absolutely craziest nonsense imaginable. There are some people there who are saner than the others, fortunately, who blasted their compatriots who started speculating that Obama had his grandmother killed the day before the election to garner sympathy. Joshua posted this notion above as a really over-the-top tasteless joke. He probably didn't realize that folks were seriously proposing it as a possibility over at Free Republic. It got bad enough that the web moderator started removing some of the posts. There's a glimmer of decency for which we can be grateful.

Summary: Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Jerome Corsi suggested or asserted that the true purpose of Sen. Barack Obama's current trip to Hawaii is not to visit his ailing grandmother, as Obama claims, but rather to address rumors -- widely debunked -- that Obama has failed to produce a valid U.S. birth certificate. However, in addition to and a Hawaiian Health Department official, even Corsi's employer, the right-wing website WorldNetDaily, has reportedly determined that the birth certificate provided by the Obama campaign is authentic.

Zeno, ugh. I feel awful. That some humans could sink so low... I need to go make some tea and watch some funny animals on youtube to cheer myself up...

Grandma Dunham voted absentee a few days ago and her vote still counts, because she was alive at the time (duh!). Take that GOP!