Maddow: Fight those lying and trying to steal your vote


Why the hell aren't these criminal prosecuted? How much sleuthing does it take to track down who paid for a robo-call?

Why aren't they prosecuted? Because the entire judiciary and all of law enforcement are on the same side, which is not democratic.

By Roger the Shrubber (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink

A democratic white house and congress will see the implementation of some legislation to make sure that this sort of thing changes. Right now all the federal prosecutors are republicans. These tactics are only used by the Republican party and always benefit them.

There is not enough bite at the state level, but perhaps that can change.

Here in King County, Washington, there's a Charter Amendment on the ballot to turn the position of Election Supervisor into an elective (i.e. potentially Republican) office. Even if I didn't give a damn about the presidential election, I'd be turning out to vote against that!