Today Is Voting Day!!!

In some states, Republicans have been telling people that Democrats vote Wednesday. No. Today is the last day you can vote.

In some states, Republicans have been telling people that if you are a student, you will be arrested or your parent's tax status will change or you'll be turned away if you try to vote where you go to school. This is not true. Students get to vote where they go to school.

And so on. Vote today.

Unless you are a Republican. Then, the only moral thing you can do is sit home and wait it out because we don't like you any more. You went too far over too many lines too many times. It is over for you.

Some Election Morning Updates:

Join the debate over the Minnesota Legacy Amendment.

Have a good cry before lunch. (Hat Tip S.I.)

Pour over the latest polls (which are going to make me come up with a new election map)

Californians: Vote No on Prop Hate

US residents: Joint the GOTV!!!!!
(That link is for Minnesota, but if you change the "mn" in the URL to your state's code, you'll be where you want to be! Maybe. Or just put in any zip code and that should work.)


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Got V?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink

Then, the only moral thing you can do is sit home and wait it out because we don't like you any more.

Going to be a dick to the end, huh Greg?

Joel: I am of the opinion that it is impossible to be truly affiliated with the Republican Party and not be a moron or an amoral shit, one or the other or both. This is because there are a half dozen litmus test issues that you must agree to or the other Republicans will take you out back, strap you up with bailing wire, and throw you in the river.

Don't bother to tell me that this is the same with Democrats, because it is demonstrably not the same.

On top of this, the standard tactics that Republicans do not even flinch at ... like telling people to vote Wednesday if they are a democrat, or telling people that they are unamerican if they don't support the Republican Party platform plank by plank ... are not quirks or oddities. They are typical. There was a time when both parties did this sort of thing, but the Democrats have put this behind them and many of the conservative Democrats (the ones running Jim Crow style viting machines in the south, for instance) have joined the Republican party.

Joel, the Republican party is the amoral party, the unethical party, the anything goes to grab power party. This is abundantly obvious.

So no, I'm not being a dick to the end. I'm simply telling it like it is.

There is a reason that there are so many independents today, and that so many of them vote selectively for Republican candidates.

To any overseas watcher of this election campaign who is impartial and objective,it is blatantly obvious that the Republican Party has a large number of amoral,unethical,power-hungry( theres a word for it,is fascist)members who would and will do anything at all to reach their goal.
Just sayin.

Oh,and BTW,

that same site has Hagan up 6-7% over Dole,wouldnt that be nice,too !
However,Bachmann-Tinklenberg is 46-45...

Today we should put away the knives and try to remember that even though we disagree with the vision for the United States held by those we oppose, our voice in the United States is the right to vote.

We win when everybody participates.

Someone somewhere else said that since the republicans do better when turnout is low the only logical thing for republicans to do today is stay home.

By NoAstronomer (not verified) on 04 Nov 2008 #permalink

Joel: Nice thoughts, and I'm sure that is the real you talking.. But so far of the two or three dozen strange things reported at polling places they have all consisted of Republicans interfering with likely Democratic voters. There have been two cases where a Republican poll watcher was removed because they were challenging every single democrat. Every. Single. One. And a third similar case where when the authorities showed up to investigate, the Republican scondrell ran off so he could not face the music.

This is why the Republican party has to dissolve. To be a Republican, for all but a very small number of people, you must put aside many fundamental beliefs. This makes most Republicans either amoral or morally broken, so it is easy to end up with this kind of behavior. I can easily imagine the Republican party breaking into three or four internally consistent groups each with one or two key issues, instead of all with the half dozen or so usual Republican issues. Then some sort of moral standard can be revived for these lost, damaged souls.

Until then, we just need to keep a close eye on them because they cannot be trusted.