Norm Coleman Trying To Throw Out Votes

Norm Coleman is afraid of YOUR vote. Especially if you filed an absentee ballot:

Republican Sen. Norm Coleman filed an injunction to stop the opening and counting of 32 absentee ballots in Minneapolis, according to a copy of the court documents filed today provided to the Pioneer Press by Democrat Al Franken's campaign....

...The Franken campaign officials said Saturday that Coleman officials are trying to "deprive Minnesota voters of their civil rights."

Andy Barr, Franken's communications director, said in a statement: "Ever since the routine process of canvassing to ensure that every vote is counted began, the Coleman campaign has been attempting to obstruct it. And, in typical fashion, they have now gone to court to shut down the count. This stealth attack on an early Saturday morning is a disgusting attempt to disenfranchise voters who did nothing wrong, and we will fight hard on behalf of Minnesotans who deserve to have their voices heard."


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You know, if I'm Franken, suddenly I'm wishing I'd come home to go after Pawlenty rather than Coleman. Might take a bit of waiting for Pawlenty's term to end, but as governor he'd be able to help put the smackdown on shenanigans like Coleman's.

Al Franken is a loud mouthed liar.
The democrats invented, and perfected voter fraud.
Why give a proven liar and his campaign more time to tamper with votes?
Al Franken is as qualified for the Senate as Woody Allen would be for cage fighting !!!

Having a tough time watching your boy do just what you claim Franken and the Dems are doing? Was it dems who circulated a flyer in VA saying reps vote Tuesday, dems vote Wednesday? Was it the dems who, after claiming massive fraud by ACORN, couldn't name a single instance where an ineligible registrant voted? Not a chance.

You lost. Hopefully slime Coleman will lose too. Get over it and crawl back under your rock.

Steve, so I take it you voted for Coleman? Three four times perhaps?

Accorn, the communist activist group which is owned by the same people who manufactured and own Barack Obama will be run out of town in less than two years.
And it is not going to be pleasant.

So extending the right to vote to ALL citizens is communist? You need a bigger rock.

Also, the term of office for President is 4 years, not 2. Just so you know how long to hide.

Steve, how did you manage to find your way to a corner of the internet that has actual information? Let's start with the basics. It's ACORN, and people are born, not manufactured. Do you need more detail?

Sorry, Steve, your bubble will be burst. "Accorn" reported the fraudulent registrations as they sent them in so that the election judges could make the determination as to their legitimacy. It's how they show they are following the law. But tell me, on this voter fraud. Did Jimmy John actually vote?

This one is right out of the Karl Marx Rove playbook. Discourage and obstruct as many opposition voters as possible and then throw out the votes of those who voted in spite of your worst efforts.

And then some troll named Steve, from New York, gets on the internet and hassles people all weekend.

Steve doesn't really hassle anyone. Not bright enough for that.