More GLBTA News

So, you've heard that the Obama Transition Team is an A in GLBTA. Good. Now, for some other mostly positive news:

3rd Episcopal diocese splits from church over gays

A third theologically conservative diocese has broken away from the liberal Episcopal Church in a long-running dispute over the Bible, gay relationships and other issues.

The Diocese of Quincy, Ill., took the vote at its annual meeting that ends Saturday.

Two other dioceses - San Joaquin, based in Fresno, Calif., and Pittsburgh - have already split off. Next weekend, the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, will vote whether to follow suit....


Silverton, Oregon, elects transgender mayor

Plenty of politicians reinvent themselves, but few do it quite like Mayor-elect Stu Rasmussen.

Rasmussen has been a fixture in Silverton politics for more than 20 years, and had twice before been mayor of the small city 45 miles south of Portland. Those terms, however, were before Rasmussen began earing dresses and 3-inch heels in public, receiving breast implants and beginning to transitioning.

Silverton has made Rasmussen the country's first openly transgender mayor, according to the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a group that works to help openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people win elected office.

Rasmussen, 60, unseated incumbent mayor Ken Hector, with whom he had long clashed, by 1,988 votes to 1,512.

Larry Craig defense fund fizzles

A fundraising scheme set up by Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) to pay for his fight to overturn his guilty plea in a gay sex sting has little success - raising just $4,645.

Craig created his "Fund for Justice" last spring, after the Senate Ethics Committee chided him for spending $213,000 in campaign funds to pay legal and public relations fees without the panel's approval.

Most of the donations to the fund range from $50 to $300 and came from personal friends and neighbors. His legal expenses are believed to be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

So, he has 1420 personal friends and neighbors! Wow. That's more friends than I have on facebook!

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Right now, people are marching on Washington with a reasonable demand: equality under the law for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. It's not much to ask for; it's simply what every human being in this country ought to expect. I'm not in Washington DC. I'm sitting in wintery…
Today is the day of the GLBT Pride Parade in the Twin Cities, so naturally today's Atheists Talk radio is all about the fight against discrimination and for equal rights for all. Tune in at 9am! If you're godless, there's nothing to prevent you from supporting civil rights for everyone without…
The new head of the Episcopal Church is a trained marine biologist. The Episcopal Church is tearing itself apart. This is not a coincidence. Katherine Jefferts-Schori used to study squid for a living. (Hey PZ, she's one of you!) But somewhere along the way, she succumbed to temptation and left her…
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Something's wrong with your calculator Greg: 4645/50 ~ 93
That's what he got $4,645 with a minimum of $50

You do have a lot more friends on Facebook, don't you? ;-)

I think I divided 213K by 150 instead of 5K by 150. Right. I do in fact have more friends. A LOT more friends.

I wonder if Larry has a facebook page?