
Watch the whole thing, especially starting around 2:30.



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oh, what a wonderful word!

Stunned speechless .........

Daniel Dennett, I think, among others likes to deny the possibility of the Zombies so beloved of philosophers, but Sarah Palin is all the proof I need that Zombies exist. She can imitate human behavior, to a certain extent anyway, but there is absolutely nobody at home there: no consciousness, no self-awareness. A living, breathing Zombie!

.... a new low, OMG it was actually possible for her to sink lower. And "falling" oil prices is the crisis?

Angel: ... "falling" oil prices is the crisis?

It is (they are?) in a state which pumps so much oil that royalties from same provide an annual check to each Alaskan of over $3000 and pays for all of the state government's expenses, as well as buying all the politicians.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 22 Nov 2008 #permalink

Someone should have cut the conference off at the head. I would have said that she laid an egg, but clearly it's a case of the head not knowing what the rest of the body is doing. Perhaps someone should have called fowl after the press asked which programs were on the chopping block.

I understand its a bit tasteless ... but how is this "breaking news"?

Media really can't call silly tabloidism of their own creation breaking news.

She was? She kills, skins, and butchers moose and bear for the meat. Turkeys getting decapitated by a machine aint nothin'. You want to eat turkey a turkey has to die. Somebody came up with an efficient way to kill turkeys, a way Palin has no problem with because it works and it works quick. Now people are getting upset because they're being reminded that their nourishment requires the death of another animal. Well, if you don't want a turkey to die just so you can eat, stop eating turkey.

Reality is all about blood, guts, and embarrassing sexual positions. Not only that, but Jerry (of the Tom and Jerry cartoons) ate shit. That's what mice do. You think watching a large, vicious, stupid bird getting stuffed down a funnel to get its head whacked off is bad, try being there when a pride of lions are pigging out on a lowing cape buffalo.

Mr. Kellogg, people laugh because she's spouting policy and just pardoned a turkey while they're being killed in the background. It's called irony. Not a single person here has commented on the fact that you have to kill a turkey to eat it.

Alternatively, the irony arises from the similarities between many Palin supporters, and the turkeys used for commercial meat production in the US: white, dim-witted, raised in poorly-constructed metal buildings, require artificial assistance to mate ....

Alan: I completely agree with you. But yes as Phil says, there is irony here, actually, in a number of ways.

Barn Owl:!Brilliant!