- Linnaeus' Legacy No. 14: A Carnival of Diversity
- Encephalon 60, A Neuroscience Blog Carnival
- Hourglass VI: A carnival of biogerontology
- Grand Rounds 5:12 - Healthcare Reform Q&A
- Carnival of Homeschooling #154: Anniversary Gifts
- Christmas Recipes Carnival of the Recipes
- Carnival of Cinema: A Smorgasbord!
- Carnival of Politics Edition #21
- 93rd Make It From Scratch Carnival
The December Oekologie will be hosted HERE by yours truly. I've already got an excellent selection of entries, but there is still time to send in yours if you hvae not already. What is Oekology? "Oekologie is a blog carnival reviewing the best ecology and environmental science posts of the month all across the blogosphere."
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Linnaeus' Legacy No. 14: A Carnival of Diversity, is up on Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog
Carnival of Education, #201 is up on Scheiss Weekly
Carnival of Homeschooling #154: Anniversary Gifts, is up on The Daily Planet
I would like to begin by reminding you that the next edition of the Linnaeus' Legacy blog carnival will be hosted HERE In theory, it will come out tomorrow, but I have the sense that a few more submissions (your?) are still to come in, so I may delay posting until Tuesday morning. So you have…
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