Happy Askiversary To Us!

As you read this, Amanda and I our our celebrating our Anniversary! (Of when I asked her to marry me.) I know it is a little extreme to celebrate such a thing, but we don't get out much.

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Julia is over at her mom's house this morning, so she called and wished Amanda and me a happy anniversary. So it is confirmed! Today is our anniversary! Happy Anniversary to us!

I sympathise. It was 4 years between when I asked her and when we got married. I have a hard enough time remembering my own birthday, I'd hate to have two separate anniversaries to remember.

If Amanda was a bit delayed in assenting, that means you get to celebrate an answerversary too. Maybe some more sushi?


Did you use an onion ring?

Ben was deeply disappointed that Cracker Jack had stopped giving out rings by the time we got engaged. Then again, neither of us actually asked the other.

My husband and I kenw each other for 7 months before we got married. Still married after 17 years. :-) Probably because we both know that nobody else would have us.

I would leave him for John Elway though and he knows it. ;-)

(Belatedly,) Congratulations!

My parents (and I, when I'm around) celebrate their "Kennenlernen" anniversary, that is, when they went out together for the first time (to the pool). Seems cool to me to celebrate such things--the more, the better.

By Ben Breuer (not verified) on 11 Dec 2008 #permalink