Franken Counter Filing

Al Franken has, as his his right and duty, filed papers to the court now reviewing Coleman's suit regarding the Minnesota Senate Race.

Eric Kleefeld has an excellent summary of the paper. You can read the papers here, and read Eric's summary here. Oh, and if you want a real laugh, you can read Coleman's suit here.

I'll give you the bottom line. There are the usual hopeful elements in any such filing, which usually have no effect, such as jurisdictional questions and so on. But there are two key elements based on which I would expect a decision by the court to throw out the case. First, some of Coleman's propsoed remedies are illegal. Second, the one or two remedies that might not be illegal, if applied uniformly, would net Franken as many votes as Coleman (in relative terms). This inparticular applies to Coleman's claim that there was double counting in some precincts of a few votes. Coleman wants votes thrown out in Franken-supporting precincts. Franken's camp says: OK, if you do that, we have a list of red-colored precincts to also throw votes out in.

It would be funny if the courts allowed some of this and Coleman came up even more behind. Almost worth a try.

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