Live Blogging the NC ScienceOnline 09 Conference

I'm in. In North Carolina, that is. Nothing happening yet. It is about 100 degrees warmer here than it was when I woke up this am. Flew with Stephanie Zvan (Almost Diamonds) and Ben Zvan (who is here to do a photo shoot). Checking out room, internet, preparing to go get a bite to eat and/or a beer or something.


OK, back from having beers and dinner and beers. Grrl Scientist seemed to be live blogging from the restaurant . I got to meet my blogging Idol, Bora, and we chatted for some time. And I gotta tell you, I will never get enough of this wonderful southern accent!!!!

In other business, advances were made at dinner on our new blogging project, about which I will not say a word even if tortured. You'll see.

Oh, I also got to meet the Blogg Herders, and they are as totally cool in real life as they appear to be in email, which is the only place I've ever seen them before.

BTW as far as we know none of the bloggers coming here were on the plane that crashed in NY, as far as we know.

OK, just had breadkfast, sitting in the lobby with the one and only Blake Stacey and Almost Diamonds blogger Stephanie Zvan. We are expecting Lou to come by in a few minutes, to conduct some business that I think is not my place to mention.

Blake is regaling us with stories of cyclotrons and stuff.


Lou is late, and I'm going to get some lunch now.


Had lunch, now blogging. Pizza and beer with Erin and Arikia at 3:00. I for one look forward to pizza with our Scienceblogs overlords.

I'll keep you posted.

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