google foogle

If you have a Google gmail or Google docs account, do make sure to visit your account today and have a look around. Then log out. And keep your eye's open.

I'm just sayin' ...

More like this

... well, not really, but they should!!! Following two simple guidelines would help: 1) Don't ever change the function of installed software unless the user has requested it (don't even suggest it. Just sit there quietly until told othewise) and 2) Don't evern install new software. Ever. That is…
This quarter, I'm using a wiki with my bioinformatics class and posting sometimes about the things that I learn. Two things I've been experimenting with are: Setting up pages for individual students so they can take notes while they're working. Embedding a Google form into one of my wiki pages…
Continuing with the tradition from last two years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2010 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January. See all the interviews in this series here. You can check out previous years'…
Howdy, thar, pardners! The Skeptics' Circle Saloon is open for business, and, after bein' away for more than two ears, Brent's done gone and set up a hum-dinger of a meeting: We rode up to the front of the Skeptic's Circle Saloon and dismounted. Where once there were only two hitching posts, seven…

and while you're at it, have a look at Youtube ;)

YouTube is boring today. Google's is FAR more fun.

I for one, would love to see my 'puter and a certain someone else's get into it...I actually fell asleep last night chuckling about that notion.

I wonder how quickly such a back and forth would degenerate...

Not nonsense Stephanie, a very sensitive, caring being - dare I say - Soul. One that has, unfortunately chosen to stop communicating with us carbon type people - at least for the moment.