Armed and Dangerous with the Facts on Global Warming

Apparently President Obama has to be bound. By Bachmann.

These people are insane.

Hat tip: DMB

More like this

Geraldo is asking Michele Bachmann to take her hyperbole down a notch. That's funny. Huckabee blames Obama for Wilson's Remarks. Anne Coulter claims that Michele Bachmann is her fave. hat tip DMB Oh, and confirmed: Wilson's outburst WAS an act of racism.
Michele Bachmann might be the stupidest person who can still breathe. Do you know what net neutrality is? It is... ...a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions by Internet Service Providers or governments on content, sites, or…
Hmmmm. If you listen to the Fox people ... the details ... they actually do a pretty good job of making Michele Bachmann look foolish. But they are very excited to have her on the show. Here are the FOX digs that I noticed: Isn't your claim about "Obama counties" getting more money bogus? (…
Matt Taibbi is giving me nightmares. Read his long political biography of Michele Bachmann, with this terrifying conclusion. Even other Republicans, it seems, are making the mistake of laughing at Bachmann. But consider this possibility: She wins Iowa, then swallows the Tea Party and Christian vote…

The stupid... oooooh good lawd, the stupid. "Red Hot Lies" indeed.

This is pure, 99% enriched weapon's-grade Stupid(tm) right here. And I couldn't even make it to when Bachmann started talking.


By TheEngima32 (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

One wonders if there is some sort of low cunning type of intelligence here, the kind that thinks, they nominated that woman from Alaska for VP, and I can be every bit as stupid as she is about the same issues. Maybe a higher national office is possible for me if I keep spouting inanities about certain issues. Ambition does not require understanding of anything but what gets you noticed.

Internet video giveth and taketh away. I've always loved reading your blog, Greg but for the past few months I had to do some belt tightening and my home internet access was a casualty. The other computers (work, library) I use to access all having streaming media blocked. Needless to say, I miss a lot of the stories you put up now. And your introductions always make them sound so interesting. Any links to stories where the content is transcribed or perhaps summarrized and commented on would be great if you know of any.

By SouthernFriedSkeptic (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

SFS: See the "hat tip" on this one, where the video is summarized by Ken Avidon.

The stupid, it burns.

By IceFarmer (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

The good thought after this is that... ok, Bachman got elected to the House, but a person as stupid and misinformed as her would never be elected, and even less re-elected for President of the United States of America.

Well, I heard someone shouting BUSH's name. But that is so unfair. He is a Yale and Harvard alumnus, and his summer reading lists were spectacular, reading 15 to 20 books in a month (and of course, they wouldn't lie about it.)

So we have to congratulate the people of the USA for their fine political system and not to worry so much about people as Bachman, Palin, Huckabee, Steele, etc.

He earned a MBA in the Harvard Business School. Does that not count as Harvard? Both Yale and Harvard are referenced as his alma mater.

I would understand your remark if he had attended the Kennedy School of Government ;-)

"knows everything about global-warming"?
"reeducation camps"? "propaganda camp"?
