Pirate Update

Negotiations are continuing for the release of an American captain held by Somali pirates in a lifeboat in the Indian Ocean off the Horn of Africa.

He was taken from cargo ship Maersk Alabama after it was briefly seized by pirates a day earlier.

A US warship on anti-pirate patrol in the high-risk area sailed to the ship.

It remains unclear what the pirates want, but maritime sources say it could be a ransom or compensation for their boat which sank during the attack. ...

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During negotiations, I hope it will be kept in mind that that pirates already failed to keep their word once, that is why they still have the captain in captivity.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

They want compensation for their boat? That's hilarious.

I used to read the police blotter in my local paper - there were some doozies. One time the police received a complaing from a gentleman that someone had entered his backyard and "stomped on his cat-catcher." I still laugh over that one.

Just send The Navy Seals in at night, whack the idiots and take Capt Phillips to the destroyer. 1-2-3 Done

Apr 13, 2009 10:51 AM
a Sad Day for Pirates and the Brethren
An Investigation must be launched concerning the Somali Pirates and their demise. If in fact they were threatening the Captain of the US Ship, then YES They had it coming but, If they weren't then No, Pirates have long time kidnapped people and ransomed them back for cash, a Code was established to prevent pirates from becoming murderous sea dogs, now to imply harm, is not the same as to inflict it. Many will refer to Edward Teach, (A.K.A. Black beard) but he was not accepted by the brethren or any others in pirate circles, (Devils son) he was called, For the Most part, Pirates bluff, and they bluff big time. If these self proclaimed pirates were in fact dealing in human cargo, then Kill them, as they are nothing more than slavers. Also keep in mind that their (The Pirates) Captain is the man wholly responsible for his crews actions, and not the Crew themselves. I believe that the US Navy Over reacted and went "Blood N Guts" without cause. Until I see evidence, i.e. Bodies floating home, I think the Pirates must be honored, To all you would be Pirates out there that saw POTC and fell in love with Depp, Don't fly our colors, Find your own. To all the Mates World wide, Like John King, Toast your fallen brethren....

Captain H.L.Morgan, Esq.
ROS Port Royale, ROS Jolly Roger

By Captain H.L.Mo… (not verified) on 13 Apr 2009 #permalink