Erase Michele Bachmann

... or was that Replace Michele Bachmann....

Anyway, the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival is scheduled for the end of the present week, Friday or Saturday. Please get your posts in! Here is the handy dandy submission form. Thank you very much.

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is now available here, at Mauka to Makai. It is a great edition, plus the Mauka to Makai site itself is worth a look for a number of reasons. So go there. Then, later, when you have a chance, go here and submit a post for the next Scientia Pro Publica, which will be hosted HERE at this blog.…
I would like to begin by reminding you to submit your entries to a Special Edition of the Replace Michele Bachmann Web Carnival, which will be up tomorrow morning some time as scheduled. The current edition of that article is here, at Almost Diamonds. And now, today's carnivals: Friday Ark #213…

I've almost come to the conclusion that Michelle Bachmann is a good thing. She shows the true face of the wing-nut core of the GOP, in a live, breathing Congressman. Were she replaced by someone sane, it would far easier for people to think that the wing-nuts were just a marginal part of the modern conservative modern, much as liberals have to put up with pacifists and PETA and other small, fringe groups as somehow affiliated. But when a fire-breathing wing-nut is repeatedly elected and stays influential in the GOP, well... that means something.

On the other hand, Russell, with Bachmann around, it's easy to point to the lady with the crazy eyes and miss just how many other wing-nuts there are in Congress. They just do a little better at keeping their mouths shut. And next to Bachmann, they look much more sane than they are.

I've almost come to the conclusion that Michelle Bachmann is a good thing. She shows the true face of the wing-nut core of the GOP, in a live, breathing Congressman.

Oh, I'm absolutely of that opinion. However, it's not really fair that any one State be stuck with her as a "representative" for any length of time. There should be a way to pass her around -- draw straws or something.

It seems appropriate somehow. After all, she is a sort of white elephant <rimshot>

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 22 Apr 2009 #permalink