Bachmann Takes Down Obama Over Atheistic Statements

  • ... he went to a foreign country.
  • ... he said "we are not a Christian Country."
  • ... he had religious icons covered up on the stage where he gave a speech (which has been absolutely standard practice for years).
  • ... what would President Abraham Lincoln Do?
  • .... all American Citizens should be required to pray.

Shouldn't there be a rule against using your floor time in Congress to pray?

Details here.


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Besides being incredibly stupid, Bachmann is a liar. She made up some quotes. This is typical of religious right wing nuts.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 23 Apr 2009 #permalink

Aw com'on, I'm having a bad enough day as it is. You don't have to ask me to listen to five and a half minutes of incoherent drivel and bald-faced lies.

If I am forced to pray, I will pray to Satan to swallow Bachmann whole.

By LeonardSlye (not verified) on 23 Apr 2009 #permalink

I will pray to Satan to swallow Bachmann whole.

Bad idea. Not only would that be cruel and unusual punishment for a demon who never did you any harm, but then we'd have to find a replacement for her.

The insanity is common enough, but she does communicate it soooo well. If Bachman didn't exist, we would have had to invent her.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 23 Apr 2009 #permalink

There are days that I root for the Mikado....

D. C., if Bachmann were to disappear, we could put this stuff back in the hands of satirists, where it belongs. And their speeches tend to be much easier to listen to. This kind of incoherence falls squarely under truth being stranger (and more painful) than fiction.

this required someone to stand up halfway through her speech with a ginormous sign saying "treaty of Tripoli"


this required someone to stand up halfway through her speech with a ginormous sign saying "treaty of Tripoli"

Adams was a socialist, even though the word hadn't been invented yet (at least according to Hamilton.)

Has she mentioned that he's left-handed? I hear that's a real sign of evil.

What the fuck? I'm just trying to figure out what exactly the point of her little tirade was. Seriously, what was the context?

i pay taxes 4 this shit?

By countguerra (not verified) on 23 Apr 2009 #permalink