The Carnival of the Liberals

... is up and running here, produced by Mike at Quiche Moraine. Please visit this excellent carnival, click on the links, read them, and become more liberal. Thank you very much.

More like this

... is here, at Quiche Moraine. Please go and visit this blog carnival, then visit all the sites pointed to by the blog carnival, read them, submit them all to social networking sites, enter them in blogspheric contests, and so on and so forth. Because that's how we do things in The Blogosphere…
The Four Stone Hearth Anthropology Blog Carnival is up at Wanna Be an Anthropologist. Please visit the carnival, click on all the links, digg up and stumble all the entries, etc.
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) was published recently at Pleiotropy. The current edition is entitled Scientia Pro Publica -- with a Twist. There is some…
DO NOT CLICK HERE until you have put your crash helmet on, because the stoopid is going to whack you upside the head so bad your eyeballs are going to spin like a top. And if that was not enough stoopid for you, Jason has more. The horror, the horror ...... Linux in Exile has undergone an upgrade…