Happy Birthday Maria Reiche

Maria Reiche was an archaeologist and mathematician who worked on the Nazca lines in Peru. Originally, she worked with Paul Kosok, who discovered the remarkable drawings, and starting in the mid 1940s, Reiche mapped in the drawings. She believed that the lines represented a calendar and a sort of observatory. She is probably single handedly responsible for the preservation of these important archaeological features.

She died in Lima in 1998.

Several crackpots have suggested that the Nazca lines, since they can only be taken in visually from a height achievable only with flying machines such as airplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons or ... whatever ... must have been drawn for the benefit of aliens in their UFOs.

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Thanks for the information. The Nazca lines are the most amazing drawings. They are considered as one of the greatest riddles in the world. I agree they have drawn so that the aliens may greatly benefit.