Which is Better: Cats or Dogs?



More like this

Dogs: Cats: Dogs: Cats:
What is the answer to this age old question? Round 1: cats: dogs: Round 2: dogs: cats:
Cats: Dogs: Oh, sorry, that second one was actually cats too. I guess cats win this week!
Cats: Dogs: Hmmm... don't have one for dogs this week. Hat Tip: The Millikan Daily

This time around, dogs are the hands-down winners.

But it wasn't nearly a flat playing field. The dogs were in a situation that is ideal for showing off their chase-loving, hunting instincts.

The poor, frightened cat, on the other hand, was being unwillingly displayed to strangers, while on what is intolerable to most cats, a leash. A cat on a leash is more likely to think it's being hanged than restrained -- and restrained is bad enough to a cat!

The cat had been too long in a shelter, and has obviously learned a few things about how to perform a neutering.

This again. I guess it's not enough to compare apples and oranges -- go find some rotten apples first; that'll teach those silly apple-lovers!

Maybe I should post some good dog-mauling vids, and see if their victims can even stand up at the end.

Cats win.


By Roadtripper (not verified) on 16 May 2009 #permalink

this is supposed to be funny? watching a poor incarcerated homeless cat freak out and then say cats are shitty??

not funny at all.

Oh man I laugh so hard every time I see the Pinky video.

Poor thing is probably so scared.

Well, I guess we de-nut cats all the time. The cat probably felt that this handler was a menace and should not breed.

Those shelter workers may know how to control animals, but they obviously know little about how to get along with one. Treating a cat that way is akin to sticking a hand into a running blender.

And Monica - you're the first here to use the phrase "cats are shitty". Your prize - A free visit to the clue desk!

By John Swindle (not verified) on 16 May 2009 #permalink

Not again?! Really, Greg, have you no SHAME?!!!

Talk about stacking the deck ....

Joe Marcus
Cambridge, MA

By Joseph A. Marcus (not verified) on 16 May 2009 #permalink

While I contend that dogs are obviously much better than cats in a million different ways, cats sure can defend themselves when they're being restricted or threatened, and ya gotta respect 'em for it.

I remember that video quite well -- I'm sure it's been in practically every "ninja cat" montage ever. The irony of him being a "very loving cat" and "pet of the week" is what puts this video over the top.

What is going on here??? What is the point of continually posting these cat/dog comparisons(that don't really compare anything except the somewhat different evolutionary paths the cats and the dogs have taken)? Cats aren't "better" than dogs; they're just differently evolved. Dogs aren't "better" than cats, either, except to some dedicated "dog-lover" types who are basically disguised control freaks. This "comparison" is beginning to get distinctly old. And smelly.
Anne G

Joe! Nice to hear from you! I hope you are doing well.

Hey, each week we have a different installment. Sometimes the cats win, sometimes the dogs win. The fact that these particular dogs are those of my dear friend (also shown in the video) has nothing whatsoever to do with the totally honest random selection process.

Ten points if you can name the dog's owner! (I'm not telling ... up to her to come forward if she wants.)

Dogs, I'd have to say. We've selected them to work well with us. Cats are great, but/and they're so independent that they really don't need us much.

By Kevin Schreck (not verified) on 16 May 2009 #permalink

Tough one...dogs on a very good day best versus a cat on one of its worst. It's almost a fair fight. But I'd still give top points to the cat. The cat has a problem to solve, and works to solve it. The dogs, on the other hand, show no independence, no problem-solving behaviour, and little personality. They do win a lot of cute points though. But who would you rather have in your class - the problem-solver with a bad attitude, or the brainless frat boy/sorority girl who gets distracted by shiny things?

Although the video with the dogs chasing after the balloons was great fun, your friend should be aware that swallowed latex can tangle up a gut...our colliexhuskie had to have an operation to remove some balloons that we'd carelessly left out after decorating for a party.

As for Pinky...a classic.

So it's cute vs. self rule: the cat gets it!
