South Carolina Governor AWOL?

UPDATE: There are reports that the missing governor is tweeting. These reports are unconfirmed.

His wife does not know where is his. The lieutenant governor does not know where he is. It is said that "he needed some time away from his children to write something." It is said he is working on a book. No one has seen him since Thursday.

Makes sense to me.

His chief of staff claims to know where he is. But he would say that even if he didn't.

Apparently, not having a governor for a few days is not that big a deal. I say, give it a week then maybe go looking for him.

BTW, this Thursday? I'm outta here for a few days. Gotta write some stuff. If you want me get me before then. (Unless you want to go fishing, of course.) My chief of staff will know where I am if anything really important comes up.

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maybe he is at the Bohemian Grove

That's just bizarre.

BTW, this Thursday? I'm outta here for a few days. Gotta write some stuff. If you want me get me before then. (Unless you want to go fishing, of course.) My chief of staff will know where I am if anything really important comes up.

You are so hilariously oblique sometimes.

That's oblique? But he told us where he's going (where the fish are), when, why he won't be checking in much, who won't be there (anyone who wants him to do something other than write) and whom to contact if he's really needed (he doesn't have a chief of staff).

The only thing he didn't say is that he'll be back by Sunday morning because I'll be interviewing him on the radio, which should be weird.

Don't forget to read all the posts on missionaries. One is up now, one is coming up tomorrow.

(This relates to Sunday Morning's interview)

Ooh, radio interview with two of my favorite interweb personalities! Is that on Atheists Talk?

I was saying he was being oblique, because he at least had the courtesy to tell us ahead of time that he was disappearing, as opposed to the good Governor. And he doesn't owe us anything, unlike Sanford, who actually does owe his constituents some explanation of his unscheduled vacation.

More clarification: my perceived obliqueness comes from what I saw as a subtle, sidelong swipe (heh, alliteration), for the reasons in my last comment.

Assigned homework 50% complete. I'll be happy to read the other article as soon as it's up, but I can't bloody well do it ahead of time, now can I? I hope it contains more signs from God!

Yep, Atheists Talk, which is even on at a decent hour in your part of the world. So, assuming you're not being a slugabed after partying the night before, you can stream it and send in a question.

I bet he's off doing some cutting edge research in evolutionary biology. They ought to search all the local mud holes.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 22 Jun 2009 #permalink

I'm doubtful that we'll be doing much partying Saturday night, so hopefully I'll be up in time. If not, then oops.

For what it's worth, since you gotta "live in Minnesota" to stream it, I now officially live in Climax, 56523. At least as far as the tubes are concerned.

He was hiking on the Appalachian Trails, the very trails he turned down the stimulus money for (but which ended up getting the stimulus money anyway).

His kids gave him the best Father's Day gift by letting him not have to see them all day. Those are some great family values.

privacy for officials and avoiding media coverage of personal issues will be covered at the conference for privacy and security asset protection stephen sears attorney meeting.

He was with me at Bohemian Grove, he is my apprentice and gay lover.. 1st we hiked the naked trail and then followed up with a love fest.. then we flew to South America to get some good nose candy and party all night.. but i went to church on Sunday and the lord forgave me so all is well!!

By TheSithLord (not verified) on 24 Jun 2009 #permalink