Final Exam

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As it turns out, today is Myers' fiftieth birthday. Posting a squid would appear to be appropriate, and Dawkins raised the bar by writing him a poem. Being untalented, I'd rather link to one of my favorite posts by PZ, "The proper reverence due those who have gone before". Enjoy ... and happy…
Just in case you missed the date on the headline, it is midnight, after February 28th, and just before March 1st. If there were a day in between yesterday and tomorrow, it would be my birthday. But there isn't. Next year, there will be one. This isn't next year. This year, I lack a birthday. (It…
This Sunday I was at an event that involved a number of drawings for door prizes. There were perhaps 30 couples there - it was, not to beat around the bush, a wedding registry shindig at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. (Did I mention I'm recently engaged? I am. It's the main reason for the endemic…
As Alice kindly announced, today is my 30th birthday. The day got off to a rough start, but a little time ignoring work, eating a lovely organic lunch, reading some Pride and Prejudice, and then eating too much ice cream has turned the day into quite a lovely experience. Anyways, before my natal…