Sarah Palin Attacks Blogger

In an unprecedented move, former vice presidential candidate and intellectual leader of the Republican Party, Sarah "my daughter can have your baby" Palin has ruthlessly attacked a blogger who was being funny.

From an official Palin office email:

Recently we learned of a malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation of a mother's love for a special needs child.

Desecration? Doesn't that word usually refer to damaging holy things and stuff?

The mere idea of someone doctoring the photo of a special needs baby is appalling. To learn that two Alaskans did it is absolutely sickening. Linda Kellen Biegel, the official Democrat Party blogger for Alaska, should be ashamed of herself and the Democratic National Committee should be ashamed for promoting this website and encouraging this atrocious behavior.

Hiding behind your special needs baby again, are we? Oh, and do you not get that everyone in Alaska hates you? Oh, and there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party"

Here's the bloggers blog. Good luck navigating over there, it is one of those badly behaved blogs. Anyway, the blogger is being accused of making fun of a special needs baby, but she did not. She was making fun of Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin could have been holding a doll or a watermelon wearing a suit orr a Charly McCarthy, it really makes no difference. Strangely, even major network news commenters are getting this wrong.

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No Way!!!! You can't be serious!!!
Major news networks are getting the story wrong!!!
I never hear such a thing. They are always factual and accurate. If it is on FauxNews, the story must be true! ;)

Strangely, even major network news commenters are getting this wrong.

Which means Palin got it right. Congratulations, Governor! You've proven that you have the essential skill to play on the national stage: manipulation of news coverage.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 25 Jun 2009 #permalink

It will be interesting to see how far manufactured outrage gets her in 2012. The primary debates ought to be fun.

Dave, thanks for that link. My original attempt to go there lead to nothing, so I googled her and thusly thought I came up with her blog. Obviously not.

From The Online Etymology Dictionary:

desecrate --
1674, formed from de- "do the opposite of" + (con)secrate. O.Fr. had dessacrer "to profane," and there is a similar formation in It.; but L. desecrare meant "to make holy," with de- in this case having a completive sense.
By Jim Spice (not verified) on 25 Jun 2009 #permalink

I think Sarah Palin just needs more experience and has to do more "homework". So she might be a far better politician. But at her current state she really would have been a bad vice president.

I think Sarah Palin just needs more experience and has to do more "homework". So she might be a far better politician. But at her current state she really would have been a bad vice president.

Which part does she need more experience with? The misuse of state resources for personal ends, the inciting yahoos to violence, the hypocrisy on reproductive rights, the consultations with dominionists and separatists?

"iconic representation" of mother's love?

give me a frackin' break.