Silence is only beginning

Silence Is The Enemy is Seeking Volunteers. Click here.

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In which an actual living person, instead of just the ashes of TV actors, will be launched into space. Here's a picture of the rocket and it's friend, the submarine: Our mission is very simple. We are working towards launching a human being into space. This is a non-profit suborbital space…
I'm not quite sure what it is. It is something like a houseleek - click on the tiny pic of its base for a bigger view, or here for a fuller view. I bought it in a village sale a few years back and it has sat outside come sun, rain and drought. This is the first year it has flowered. It reminds…
It is my understanding that Camp Quest of Minnesota is seeking volunteers and other assistance. This is your chance to do what you've always wanted to do!!!!!! Click here for the Camp Quest web site.
Today is the last day in the month of June, and so the last day that you can click on these awesome blogs, and have the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. So click once, or twice, or many many times! The Intersection On Becoming A Domestic And Laboratory Goddess Aetiology Neurotopia…