An Open Letter to MSNBC

Dear MSNBC Viewer Services,


I normally watch MSNBC. I'm a writer and blogger, so I often have MSNBC on for a few hours during the day as I write, so I can pick up on the latest news. I love Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, and I often watch Hardball.

But, I've got to tell you this: Every time one of those "free credit report dot com" ads comes on, I turn you off. Click. MSNBC goes off for at least an hour or so, often until evening or maybe for the entire day. I think I don't often notice the ads if I'm in the other room or something, but man, they are very very obnoxious ads and when I do notice them it is a very unpleasant experience.

These ads are discordant, loud, in your face, stupid, designed to annoy and good at it. If being annoying was illegal, Free Credit Reports Dot Com would be a lifer in San Quentin.

I hope other people feel the same way and I hope all the other people write you a letter using your handy email address telling you the same thing. Free Credit Reports Dot Com is not selling much product with ads that make us want to turn off the TV, and your other advertisers are losing because, well, we turned off the TV and can't see them.

Sitting happily near turned-off TV,

Greg Laden

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By natural cynic (not verified) on 07 Aug 2009 #permalink

No, I agree with the OP. Mute is an option but why should we be forced to mute in our own homes????

lol ... i'm surprised this wasnt posted at like 3am after a drunken tyrade

By professorx619 (not verified) on 08 Aug 2009 #permalink

You failed to mention to them that what they offer is not actually free. In order to get a credit report you have to obtain a paid subscription to their services which entail giving you a credit report. The network advertising for free credit report dot com is in essence complicit in fraudulent advertising.

And they are annoying.