Bird Blog Carnival Takes Off

I and the Bird #107 - We and the Bird ... is in full flight at Liza Lee Miller's Blog. CLICK HERE. Read it, digg it, stumble upon it!

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I and the Bird #107 is up on Liza Lee Miller's blog
The One Hundred and Elevendieth I and the Bird Web Carnival ... which is all about birds ... is posted here, at one of my favorite blogs: The Twin Cities Naturalist. Please go check it out. Click on all the links. Digg and stuble upon, fark and reddit, and maybe even read each of the excellent…
And now, it is time for the April 1st edition of Four Stone Hearth, the four field Anthropological Blog Carnival. Our first submission is from Somatosphere, a blog about Science, Medicine and Anthropology, and it is about the discover of Big Foot in the Poconos Mountains of Pennsylvania! No…
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