Yet Another Over The Top Teabagger

This is crazy shit, man.

The Heil Hitler Lady who "believes in Biblical values", proves that she is a moron:

Hat Tip Kristine, who has quite a bit more on her post at Amused Muse.

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But really, helping people is nazism and there is no way about it and you're all a bunch of commies.

By Kevin Sooley (not verified) on 23 Aug 2009 #permalink

Biblical values? Like "Whatsoever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me?" good Samaritan kind of biblical values? On that basis alone we ought to have universal health care.

Sorry, but I've had enough of these neocon fucktards saying universal health coverage is somehow comparable to the genocide committed by the Nazis. Nazis KILLED people, universal health coverage will SAVE lives. Hitler engaged in something known as eugenics, I don't think ANY serious physician or politician is advocating that. It's a fucking straw man argument meant to disrupt legitimate discussion and if I so much as hear it again while trying to have a serious discussion, I may very well snap. I have friends whose grandparents survived The Shoah and the people making references to this either have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. I'd really like to hear how they twist the current bill to mean genocide.

Sick fucking sociopaths need a history lesson and some empathy training.

I apologize for the profanity, but I've had enough of this.

In the woman's defense, she wasn't carrying a gun, and he did sound like a dirty foreigner.

I'm 99% certain Ms. I've-always-been-a-Republican's brown (?!) t-shirt reads "Israel Defence Force", which compounds the dumbth on two, no - three, oh, two-and-a-half levels.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 24 Aug 2009 #permalink

I"m shaking my head in total disbelief at this. Somre idiot woman yelling "Heil HItler at a Jewish man from Israel?????? I knew these people were stupid, and I really thought they'd hit the bottom of stupidity during the election campaigns, but I was wrong. . . .apparently stupidity is a bottomless pit.
Anne G