Community Based Bird Watching in Manu, Peru

Have a look at this:

This year Kolibri Expeditions started working with the communities of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve lying just next door to Manu. Going down the Alto Madre de Dios river Manu is to the left and Amarakaeri reserve to the right.

The birding has been just fantastic with birds like Black-faced Cotinga, Rufous-headed Woodpecker and Peruvian Recurvebill as regulars. They have four quite good lodges along the regular Manu route donated by the world bank and USAID and in spite of mostly having shared bath, they are very well built and have all the potential in world to become included in the standard route for birders in the future.
It is called Amarakaeri Communal reserve, but it is just nextdoor to Manu Wildlife Center and Blanquillo Lodges.

I know! Who shall remember the name of the reserve? Amara....what...

Amarakaeri ....if the indians would have known about marketing they should have called it Manu Community Reserve. Then people would understand that visiting Amara...whatever it is called ...what?...yes Amarakaeri Communal Reserve is basically the same as visiting Manu.

Read more about it here

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"Amarakaeri Communal Reserve is basically the same as visiting Manu."

Yeah! And let's rename it Pennsylvania House then people will know that a trip to Pennsylvania Avenue is basically the same as visiting the White House....

Ian, not really. Manu is a large geographical are only some of which is called "manu" as in the national park. This is a little like the dozens of small 'reserves' that flank Kruger in south Africa, and in total, at their maximum extent, equaled a large percentage of the overall "kruger" ecosystem. In that case, many of those reserves were much higher-end experiences than Kruger (in terms of accommodations) and had all the same ecology and animals and stuff.

I am not expressing a specific opinion about the Manu local yet, but that is what I understand to be the case.

Greg is right. The whole province is called Manu. Manu National Park is only a part of it. Manu Wildlife Center and many of the other lodges in the area are situated outside the actual park but within the province.
Having said this. There is a reason for the name. Amarakaeri apparantly is the name of the region as named by the local Harakmbut tribe. The communities wanted to rescue this ancient name for the area, which is understandable. Amarakaeri is also the name of the language spoken by some 500 natives of the region.