Obama to indoctrinate students on September 8th!!!!

Drug monkey points out the latest over the tip insanity... The President of the United States plans to distribute an address to the nation's school children on September 8th, and some of the wingnuts are saying they want their kids out of school, or out of the classroom, for that event. They are pretty sure this is part of Obama's attempt to spread socialism. There is a poll asking this question:

What are your feelings about the President addressing school children in a speech on September 8th?

HERE. So, you have the opportunity to express your opinion on this vitally important topic.

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OK, now this is just too ridiculous. They're being disagreeable simply for the sake of being disagreeable. They're all a bunch of toddlers in adult bodies. The best way to stop tantrums is to just ignore them.

They never complained about Bush's upside-down reading of "My Pet Goat" to the lil 'ones. Which, if you think about it, is really surprising because an upside-down goat, is well, satanism. I, for one, will be marching proudly with my Chairman Mao pin and my little red book.

By Megaloptera (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink

I will not be in class during Obama's speech and not because i am, as you put a toddler in an adult body, and or throwing a tantrum.And if you ignore everything in politics which is what most of us Americans have been doing for too long, then this is what you get.A president who wants to make peoples rights invalid and let the government take control. I do not believe that it is okay for our United States president to over step the boundaries that he will be crossing. Young adults and children are more susceptible to believing what they see on television and especially if the president himself gives a speech on who knows what. He has not right to use me, or any other young adult I know for his little game of charades.

Yes, Taylor, the President of the U.S. has no right to stand up and tell you that you should stay in school and get the best education you can. Such temerity. Such transgression.

Such a good idea, particularly in your case.

And by the way, a speech is basically exactly what a game of charades isn't.

Taylor, try the restaurant-grade tinfoil for your hat. Remember - shiny side out!

Seriously though, I bet you didn't make a fuss over Bush's illegal wiretaps or secret torture prisons. Those are some real lost rights, not some bullshit "OMG The ScArY bLaCk UsUrPeR is talkin' to the chilluns!!1!ONE!"

Really, what right(s) is Obama planning on taking from you? And how do you know? If you want anyone to take your histrionics seriously you need to pony up some specifics.

School districts hire teachers and administrators to teach and tell children to stay in school and get and education. We do not need the president to tell us what we already know.He is playing charades by "playing" the all mighty good guy.What do you guys think that Mr.Obama giving a speech about how children should graduate and make something of themselves is really going to affect the drop out rate. NO. Morals,ethics,wanting to graduate,wanting to go somewhere in life come first from ones own ambitions.Then from the home environment that a child comes from.Then maybe from some influential person but even then it rarely works. And he is just trying to get people on his side even if that means giving speeches to children. This speech isn't going to make some student go "Oh yeah that is what i wanted to do graduate, help people, and go somewhere in life." Just because he gives a speech on it please. He should do what Presidents are suppose to do and do what he says he is going to do.Like help with health care, social security, and etc.I thought Mr. Obama was a man of "change"? And everyone wants to bring up facts about past presidents who have done similar things.People didn't agree with it then either, if you would remember correctly. So why keep doing similar things? For example, People were against Bush when he did the no child left behind act, and when he read a story about and upside down goat to little children, and yes Bob when he had wire taps and secret torture prisons.So why on God's heavenly earth would we think or anyone for that matter that Obama's address to children for his own personal gain, would be okay?And you think that everyone should just sit back and let it happen? Everyone wants change but no one will stand up for it. We have the power of choice, and the power to VOTE. So if you want to bring up facts about other presidents mistakes and or misfortunes then you should have done something about it then, you should have stood up and voiced your opinion. Honestly i am disappointed in our Complete ass backwards all governmental society. We are suppose to be United Nation by the people and for the people, not a Nation United for and under one person, just remember that.

What an ugly ignorant rant. Did you get it out of your system yet?

Don't answer yet, I'm still laughing.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink

Taylor @5: The President is way too powerful and persuasive to let him speak to children.

Taylor @9: Who's gonna listen to that guy?

Seriously, kid, stay in school. Study some civics, too.

Taylor, actually one president many years ago made such a speech and it changed the world.

Laugh all you want. It sounds to me like you need all of you need to go back to school. All you can do is send personal attacks.Good for you I hope you feel all grown up now. :D

And I never said he is too powerful and persuasive to let him speak to children, nor did i say that no one is going to listen to him. I just simply stated that I and most others don't want to hear what we all ready know. Especially coming from a guy, who only wants popularity.

Taylor, I am not laughing and I've not attacked you. Well, not yet anyway.

Especially coming from a guy, who only wants popularity.

Admit it, Taylor, that is not what you mean at all. Come on, say it. Be honest with yourself and everyone else. Fill in the blank in this sentence with something you really believe:

"Especially coming from a guy, who ____________________.

Actually many presidents have made similar speeches and changed the world with not only words but actions,but then again they didn't do it for self serving purposes. No they did it for the well being of United States of America.

Come on, Taylor, do it:

"Especially coming from a guy, who


Be truthful.

Excuse me, Mr. New England Bob, please enlighten me as to how that was an "ugly ignorant rant"? It's kind of pathetic how she's still in school and has so far refrained from making personal attacks towards you or others. At which you have failed...but whatever makes you feel more superior, i suppose.

All right ...
"1)Especially coming from a guy, who believes that we should punish the 85% of hard working Americans to try and satisfy the 15% who refuse to work.
2)Coming from a guy who uses money we don't have for things that tax payers don't use nor want their money going towards.
3)Coming from a guy who is looking for POPULARITY."
Look i am not completely against Obama. I am just saying that WE (students in school) should not be forced to watch a speech on how he wants to make The U.S. Health Care system ruled all under one governmental run health care system.I don't agree and I shouldn't have to watch it. It would be one thing if it was just to tell us that we need to stay in school and get a good education but it's not.

Trust me I know our health care is flawed but don't you think there is a better ways to go about fixing the problem?

I love how posts, such as Taylor's above me, rail on government spending and not working and yet are from students who are currently enjoying heavily subsidized education (whether you are getting direct aid from the government or not in the form of grants, your schooling costs far less then it would cost if you had to pay all the expenses for grounds and teachers yourself) and are not working.

I also enjoy similar posts such as posts from the healthy against expansion of health care (until they actually get a serious disease and flip flop). Medicare recipients against government health care. Those who would never join the military in a million years against withdrawing from countries where soldiers are dying by the hundreds. Finally, my favorite, those who have never held a working class job and yet know how lazy the working class people are; I mean come on, don't these poor people know how to ask their dad to call up so and so to give them plumb positions in middle management as starter gigs?

By Edward Coughlin (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink

Well, If I understood Taylor's comments, among some there is concern that the commander and chief of the armed forces of the United States of America, the central political leader of one of the most powerful nations on Earth shouldn't waste his and our time telling us something we may already know.

Hmmm. The question I have is how is it determined what everyone knows? Who makes that grand sweeping judgment?
If any of us were to assume that we know what everyone knows and thus, what everyone is thinking, can we say that popularity is all we are after? In fact, to know what everyone does and does not know would actually make popularity a convenience at best.

To be honest, I don't believe our President is sinister. I believe the current tea Party Urban Myths are pushed as an attempt to convince us otherwise.

So I wonder Taylor, if the true threat to our democratic ideals aren't coming from the White House. I wonder if the true threat to our way of democratic and representative government is coming from our own all too human and gullible hidden nature.


Taylor, if the President really wanted to be popular, he'd be firmly behind a public option in health care. After all, we shouldn't punish the 79% of people polled who want one to satisfy the 21% who don't.

And the speech is still not about health care.

If it is truly about schools and education Thomas don't you think most if not not all students know whats going on since there living it first hand. And if so then I will be glad to hear a little pep talk, but again I don't believe it is. I could be wrong but I truly don't believe that is what his whole speech is going to be about.
I know this argument is not just about the president, and yes I do believe that the threat is also coming from the White House. I don't believe that all disagreeable things in government come from the president, but he vowed into office to stand on the front lines. And until we force media and everyone else to stop embellishing the lies.Then what next?

And when it does happen to be about health care Stephanie?

And I am truly not trying to piss anyone off I am just trying to see the other sides viewpoint. So please take no offense.

Taylor, there is no discussion of health care in any of this. YOu are quite misinformed. THe following are random excerpts from the educational material to accompany the speech:


What ideas do we associate with the words âresponsibility,â âpersistence,â and âgoals?â
How would we define each term?

writing exercise: What are your strengths? What do you think makes you successful as a student and as a person?


Teachers may engage students in short readings. Teachers may post in large print around the classroom notable quotes excerpted from President Obamaâs speeches on education.



Now, do me a favor. Please tell me that that when this is all over and you've pulled your head up out of the sand that you'll hide with a laptop in some closet somewhere so nobody can see you and give the speech a listen to. THen come back here and tell us how Obama was indoctrinating students to support his health care, or some other crazy-ass shit.

On your own, with your own brain. Don't just come back here and repeat what unkle Jeeter is telling you, k?

When is Obama's speech about health care, Taylor? Wednesday, when he makes a general address to the nation. Not Tuesday, when he's talking to kids about staying in school long enough to learn what apostrophes, commas and periods are for and how to differentiate there/they're/their.

Well I was misinformed but not as much as you may think.:)
And I will not hide in a closet and be ashamed and listen to the speech. If I am wrong then I will stand up an admit that I was wrong. And I am using no ones words but mine and their coming from my own beliefs. And my information comes from many creditable sources including many I am sure you read and/or listen to. But thank you all for your opinions they are greatly appreciated.

OK, that's great, Taylor! One more thing... I hope you are not listening to Fox News... Try MSNBC for a few days.

Again with the personal attacks Stephanie. :)
I hope you feel like a big girl know.

I said creditable sources. Not Fox News.

Oh man another grammatical error DARN.

Taylor, that one was laughing. Although I was terribly afraid I was going to commit horrendous grammatical snafus myself (almost typed "apostrophe's").

Well that is actually quiet useful and hilarious thank you.:)

Because it is a good one. :)

Greg Laden, are you scared of Fox News? It's funny, I listen to both sides and Fox News reports more facts than any other... MSNBC has too big of a crush on the president that they don't see straight. They are more interested in his wife's dress and nails, they dont care about facts or his policies. Blinded by love, and the thrill going up their legs. Obama wants us to pledge to him, not to the United States. Those celebrities making pledges to Obama is seriously one of the scariest things I've heard. He isn't a dictator yet, he is the president. HE WORKS FOR US, WE DONT WORK FOR HIM. I almost voted for Obama based on his wonderful speeches and the fact that he seems "cooler" than mccain, but then started actually researching his beliefs and policies and realized I do not want a dictator.

Does any Obama supporter have facts to back up their support for this man? EVERY SINGLE Obama supporter uses name calling, pulling the race card, and finger pointing instead of arguing with pure facts. I continue to try to believe Obama is trying to do what he believes is best for our country, and that he is just mislead. but so many things that he says gives me a strong feeling that he does realize what he is doing, he isnt mislead, and he actually does want to destroy this country.

And for you out there who are so easily manipulated by his speeches that use words such as "hope" and "change" without providing any substance or details to what he truly wants to do, you need to open your eyes. He doesn't tell you anything, he just gets your emotions going without providing any details. If it weren't so scary, it'd be hillarious how he controls you. He doesn't care about you, he knows how to manipulate you in order to get your vote. that's all he cares about. thats all most politicians care about. And yes, we all know Bush sucked, but its Obamas economy now, he needs to be a man and accept responsibility. He said unemployment rate wouldnt go over 8%, hmmm..

Schools wont let parents even sit in during this speech to the children. To me thats very scary. What are they trying to hide from the parents? You people are so easily manipulated by the media and our presidents charm that you dont care about facts. You will open your eyes eventually, but not until it directly affects your life negatively. at that point, it'll be too late. your great leader will be the dictator you always dreamed of and you will not be free anymore.

By AnonymousAmerican (not verified) on 04 Sep 2009 #permalink

Total money quote:

EVERY SINGLE Obama supporter uses name calling, pulling the race card, and finger pointing instead of arguing with pure facts.

I prefer:

I almost voted for Obama based on his wonderful speeches and the fact that he seems "cooler" than McCain

We're being schooled on politics by someone who admits almost voting for someone based on coolness. McCain would have had his vote earlier if he'd gone with the nose-ring and goatee look, instead of the balding older dude look.

To AnonymousAmerican: Our school is allowing parents to join us and we are not forcing children to watch it. They are welcome to go to the library or other spot in the school if they don't want to watch. I read somewhere that fifty years ago if the president wanted to address students or any American, people would be pushing to gather around the one TV that was there to see him. That to me is a sign that we use to respect the presdident. Today, we seem to have lost that respect, not only for the president, but for each other.

The problem is, Obama has an agenda... He isn't out to help the poor, he feeds off the poor to advance his agenda. If you cannot see that, you need to seriously do some research.

I almost voted for Obama because he made a lot of amazing promises, some of the promises I really liked most was him saying he wanted everything to be transparent. He wanted bills to be available to to give everyone a chance to read the details of the bills before voting. That was such a great idea, and this is one of his biggest lies! He has been doing the EXACT OPPOSITE! Trying to ram things through before giving anyone a chance to read it, how does that not scare you liberals!? Especially with such a huge change as healthcare reform! And the stimulus? Lets spend 800 million trillion dollars without reading what for... GREAT IDEA!

Back to the subject, yes our president should be encouraging our children to do the best they can, to get an education and to be responsible. He needs to be a good role model, some points of his speech to the children will be good I'm sure. I think it's great that he will be sending a positive message to the children, but keep your agenda out of it Mr. President. We don't need you forcing your radical leftist beliefs onto our children. That might be acceptable in Cuba, but not in the U.S.

By AnonymousAmerican (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink

Taylor: Read T. R. Reid's best selling book, "The Healing of America". PLEASE. And do it ASAP.

Anonymous American: If you truly believe Obama was "trying to force radical leftist beliefs on children", your an idiot. I just saw the speech. All he did was encourage the kids to get to work in school for their future & their country's future. I don't agree with some things Obama says & does, but having an influential popular figure like Obama speak to motivate kids is NOT a bad thing! Presidents have done it in the past, and they'll do it in the future. If you honestly think he is doing this to push an agenda, consider this: I don't care if he IS pushing an agenda by trying look like the good guy; if his little speech gets some kids to do better in school, I'm all for him trying to motivate kids to consider their future!

By Clint Pickens (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink

AA, you know that the health care reform bill was written by Congress, not the administration, right? You can go read it any time you like, by the way. These things are available online. Also, I'm curious, which radical leftists beliefs are you objecting to so strongly?

Stephanie Z... I disagree with the gov takeover of what is it, 1/5 of the economy? The gov can't manage money properly at all, they can't even run cash for clunkers, and you expect them to take over the health care system and run it successfully? The answer is less gov involvement, anything they get their hands into they make worse. Now we can decide if we get a hip replacement, or whatever procedures we want, but with gov run healthcare we will have others telling us what we can do. They say we can still choose with their "options", but companies are going to see the gov run option a lot more affordable so you're going to lose your health care eventually.

you can go read the bills any time you like, yes, but they dont give you enough time before they are voted on. The ppl voting on them admitted to not even reading them before voting.. i think those ppl should be removed from their position. They are so far up Obama's *** they dont care what the thing says, they just vote for it. Our Country is being run by a bunch of idiots. it shows how even more unintelligent the majority of this country is. Obama is a celebrity, not a politician. This country is becoming more and more of a joke, other countries are laughing at us. We are doomed

By AnonymousAmerican (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink