The promo video for the President's Address to the School Children

There is something funny about this video. Can you spot it?

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Funny? You mean the way the music track buried the voices? Or maybe that it's from Nascar? Those are both sorta funny.

By John Swindle (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink

Aside from the way Obama appropriated NASCAR to promote his message, when the people barking and drooling about it probably have an allegiance to NASCAR that rivals their distaste for anything Obama, thus threatening to pit NASCAR-worshipping children against their wingnut parents, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for some serious wingnut brain explosions at the prospect of holding two such conflicting allegiances in their widdle head cavities?

No, I didn't see anything else phunny in there.

I give. You going to spill the beans?

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 03 Sep 2009 #permalink


a) "foot on the gas... both hands"

b) "educate yourself" (homeschooling?)

oops. I retract "foot on the gas... both hands" He's talking about the steering wheel

Jeff Gordon. Still hot! But that's not funny, just nice.