Blog Carnival Scientia Pro Publica

... (which means, in ADL, "Science For the People") ... is up and running at Southern Friedd Science.

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I know Im not the only one who has eagerly anticipated the Discovery Institutes response to the ADL officially denouncing EXPELLED. Well John Kwok is not one to sit by and wait patiently for a press release. He emailed dear David Klinghoffer, 'Jew', DI fellow, to ask about his position on EXPELLED…
My regular readers here know to what lengths I go to combat Holocaust denial on the Internet. It's a fairly regular topic on this blog, as is rebutting the lies Holocaust deniers routinely spout. Not surprisingly, Holocaust deniers like to try to portray me as either Jewish or somehow in the thrall…
Sunset in Boston is at 4:36pm today, which means, if you're in Boston and reading this, it's dark out. Anyway, to chase away the darkness, here are some links. Science: Probably guilty: Bad mathematics means rough justice An open letter to Steve Levitt Equating The Scientific Method With A Herd…
No sooner do I post an answer for one "Ask a ScienceBlogger" question than another one gets posted. If you thought Summer at ScienceBlogs was going to involve lots of lounging by the pool and drinks with paper umbrellas, that's not how it's shaping up. The question of the week: What makes a good…

"Friedd" must be the extra crispy version of 'fried' :)

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 11 Sep 2009 #permalink

Friedd is a joke. You need to read the carnival to get it, though!